Privacy Policy: not collecting data

In simple and plain English:

The software, hardware, or service linking to this privacy policy page does not collect and process personal data in any way that I am able to access. I have not requested any special permissions on installation that would allow me to view or collect any personal data from the user. The only reason I have to write this is because some companies like Google require a privacy policy even though this product does not collect personal data. I do not have your data so I cannot sell your data or do anything else with is. There is no possible way for me to access any personal data form your device using this application.

More explicitly:


    1. First party developer - The person responsible for designing, coding, building, compiling, testing, and deploying the product in question. Also referred to as "developer", "I" or "me" (or "we" and "us" in the case of multiple individuals acting as one developer on a specific project).
    2. Application - A product or service that is (usually but not necessarily) digitally downloaded or accessed via digital downloads typically from the official storefront pages such as an app store. This can also include software or hardware distributed physically such as on optical discs. Also referred to as "the software", "the app", or "the product".
    3. Personal data - Any data that is user generated and not intended by the user to be published.
    4. Code - Source code, typically human-readable information that instructs a computer what to do and how to do it, typically compiled into a binary that can be directly read and run by a computer.
    5. Binary - Machine readable instructions that tell a computer what to do and how to do it, typically packaged as part of an easily launched application package.
    6. Computer - Any device relying on computer technology to function that can execute code written by the developer whether in binary or human-readable format. The physical size, shape, form-factor, and colloquial name (e.g. "smartphone") is irrelevant, so long as the device in question can be used to run the developer's software then it qualifies as a computer.
    7. Execute - When used to refer to software or other instructions this word refers to following those instructions step-by-step in logical order with literal language. This is what it is called when a computer is running a program (i.e. it is "executing code").
    8. Compilation - the process that turns human-readable code into machine executable binary formats, typically accomplished by means of a compiler program.
    9. User - The person(s) that are using an app or other product, typically they are the owners of the software license to run said app. Also referred to as "you".

 I as the developer have referenced this privacy policy for any apps written and created by me that do not have any functionality that would allow me to view or collect any personal data. This policy is valid for code and binaries that are created by the developer to the extent that the developer can control said binaries (i.e. I shall only be responsible for code that I have written with my own hands). Any code or binaries that are acquired in a manner other than directly from me or from parties that I have sanctioned to distribute and deploy my products shall not be covered under this policy.

I have not set up any methods in the app or any server infrastructure to harvest or otherwise collect user data that this app processes or stores on a user owned device. I work tirelessly to keep user data safe but the ultimate responsibility for user data falls on the user alone. The only promise that I can make is that I have no methods known to me to collect your data via this app. I am not collecting your personal data from this app. Full stop.

If you are using a product or service I offer on Google's app store then Google does send me hardware and crash data. This data is not generated by my app and should not contain and personal information that I am aware of. I do not consider this to be sensitive data or personal data in any way and I have no way to match this data to any one user anyway.

Since nothing in my app sends your personal data to me I have no need to disclose how I am to handle and store data that I am not going to collect since it will never be in my possession.

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