Friday, March 22, 2019

Fixes on my apps

It has come to my attention that some things in my apps are not working. I am working on some updates that will fix most if not all those issues. I thank anyone who has sent in a bug report because I cannot fix problems I don't know about. Due to my busy schedule I do need some time to actually build and test the new patches but they are making progress.

To those using my apps and having some issues I ask that you try them again after their next update as that should fix most if not all the issues I am aware of.

I also ask anyone using my apps in another language than English to report any errors in translation since I am unable to afford professional translators.

I would also like to give credit to certain customers of mine that have voluntarily translated some of my apps both in part and as a whole. You deserve recognition and I willing to put your names in a credit if you permit me. However, I will not publish your name or other information without your consent. If you wish to have a credit either on this blog or imprinted on your translation then all you need to do is send me an email specifying what to publish.

If anyone has bug reports I want to hear them. Though I would prefer said reports in an email rather than a review so I can converse with you and replicate your issue on my bench where I can begin working on a patch.

I am open to suggestions and requests as always. My contact page is here.

I appreciate your patience as I balance this development, University, and my current employment.

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